Looking through a pinhole

How many mini stickers have you eaten when munching apples? Or how many times have you been asked for your driver’s licence for ID when you’re using a white cane? Or how many times have you laughed when someone says “check out this hilarious meme”? It could be funny if you could see it. But you laugh out loud anyway because everyone else is and besides you want to be polite.

As members of the blind and low vision community, we ask ourselves these mind-boggling questions every day. Then we always remind ourselves to look at the lighter side of life and never let sight get in the way of a good story.

Blind and Low Vision stuff

When Sound replaces Sight in Dance

I had never considered what training with a dance system designed for blind and vision-impaired people would be like. Recently, I had the opportunity to

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Family and Friends

A Tribute to Bev

Since moving to Victoria, only five years ago, grief has been a constant companion in my life. Five cherished friends from Tasmania are now gone,

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