The Power of Music in Crises

She’ll be right mate. Well no……….

Coronavirus can cause a respiratory illness that has
resulted in  thousands of deaths around the world.
Infections and deaths are still increasing globally at an exponential rate. 

As the world watched Australia burning in the 2019/2020 devastating bushfires, a new crisis began on the other side of the world in China. The Coronavirus.

Within a few weeks this health crisis had reached almost every country. Surely Australia would be exempt. After all we were still emerging from our Black Summer.
We weren’t exempt. Shortly after hitting Australia, the world was dealing with a pandemic.

Let’s do our bit to stop the spread

To stop the spread of this disease and keep yourself and others safe this is all we have to do . 
  • Wash our hands
  • Stay home
  • Practice social distancing if you MUST go out
  • Protect our health care and other front line workers by doing the right thing. 
Front line workers don’t have a choice. They have to go out to work and risk their lives to look after the rest of us.

Staying connected with music 

While humans all around the globe are self isolating, many have discovered new ways to stay connected. Grab a tissue before checking these out. 




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