Surviving Lockdown during the Pandemic

Lockdown – The Challenges

Life in lockdown is not easy for anyone. But for some it is even more challenging than for others.

·  Victims of domestic violence. So the situation now is that the victim is ‘locked in’ with the abuser. They can’t go anywhere and possibly can’t

       even make a phone call to seek help.

·  The half a million people who have lost their jobs. And the three million more who have had a reduction in their working hours. They are all at home – that’s if they still have a home.

·   People working from home. Some have had to completely develop a new style of doing their jobs. Teachers for instance. I know about them because I’m one of them. Does anyone think the Zoom meetings are getting out of control?

·   Students who are learning from home. I’m not sure who would be affected more. The students or the parents. I’m trying to imagine supervising a house full of kids doing their school work while the parents are working from home.

·   People in aged care. The government has placed visitor restrictions on aged care. It’s a necessary move as the oldies are the most vulnerable group to succumb to the virus.

·   Parents working from home with toddlers ruling the roost. No further explanation needed.

·   People who live alone. With no-one to hug occasionally, (because that’s all you get anyway if you live alone), the isolation is particularly difficult. I know because I’m one of them too. How I miss the cuddles from my grandbabies. The Face Time calls don’t quite cut the mustard.  

·   And what about toddlers. My eldest grandchild Kieran is now 3 years old. His whole world is shrinking. He doesn’t go to day care anymore. He doesn’t see family friends and rellies anymore. When he was having his dinner a few nights ago he said to his mother that he doesn’t know who his friends are anymore. How sad. This pandemic will be something he will always remember.

·   And let’s not forget the imbeciles. Lockdown is really hard for them too. So hard that they just can’t do it because they don’t give a shit about anyone else. They have their wild house parties for fifteen, or their fancy girls’ only dinner parties for twelve, (who would go to that pre or post pandemic???) or a big birthday bash for an eight-year-old or squeeze six mates in a beat-up car for a night of swilling. The police did well out of that lot. They raked in $25 000 alone in fines at the wild house party for fifteen.

Well, I think that covers it. Life in lockdown is not easy for anyone.



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