The day I bequeathed my gold tooth

Gold tooth to replace a damaged tooth

Picture a dying cockroach. Lying on its back with limbs up in the air.  That’s how my daughter described me when I was playing the role of someone who needed rescuing. The reason for my bizarre behaviour? I had just given my grandson Kieran a police jeep complete with sirens, a steering wheel that actually turns the wheels and a policeman for his fourth birthday. Naturally he wanted to do a police rescue and of course Nannie Annie (that’s me) needed to be rescued.

The police to the rescue

So there I was lying in a prostrate position at the bottom of a cliff. I had my mouth open wide, screaming softly for a bit of added drama. Kieran upon hearing my screams immediately got down on all fours quicky pushing the police rescue vehicle along the floor towards me. The sirens were blaring and the plastic policeman was sitting upright in the driver’s seat. “Help is coming. Her at the bottom of a cliff” shouted the policeman.

The discovery of a gold mine

However, the police rescue was immediately abandoned due to the discovery of a goldmine. As Kieran parked the jeep beside my broken body he peered into my open mouth. “I can see gold’ he said excitedly. “Nannie Annie, can I have that pleeease”. The request for my gold tooth was followed with “can I have it now, pleeease,” which is what you’d expect from a four year-old.

Changing the subject

I couldn’t deny him anything. If you’re a grandparent you’ll understand that. So I began to try to explain why he couldn’t have it right now.  That’s when my daughter interjected with ‘stop right there’ and changed the subject to strawberry icecream, Kieran’s favourite of course.

 “Who likes strawberry icecream?”  

“Me, me, can I have one now pleeease”.

Successful diversion.

So that was the day I bequeathed my gold tooth to my first-born grandchild. And that’s how it happened.

How do I get the gold tooth out?

I’m still left with a dilemma – how to get the gold tooth out? And do I really want a tooth extraction after I’m laid out because it won’t be coming out before then. But for now Kieran won’t forget about it. Not yet anyway. Everytime he sees me, he asks for a viewing of my gold tooth and wants me to show anyone else who might be interested. That’s pretty much no-one except for other little kids his age. Obviously they are too young to understand that a gold tooth is no big deal and that there are millions of mouths full of gold fangs all over the world.  However, my daughter was right. It’s a grim thought so I’ll stop right here.

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