Letter to Lockdown #6 protesters

Dear Protesters,

You are not alone. We all want freedom. But your actions are delaying freedom indefinitely and endangering the lives of the rest of the population. If you have children think about them. I’m sure you know that one in four new Covid cases are children.  When I see your violent protests on the news, I cry for all the people who are following the public health orders but will become victims of your poor choices.

The epidemiologists are telling us that protests are super spreader events. We only have to look as far as Sydney to see how true that is. Do you really want to be a super spreader and put yourselves, your families and friends at risk?  And you’re protesting about freedom? Aren’t your actions moving the goal post further away? Many people are saying you don’t care and you just want to seize the opportunity to put police officers in hospital. I know you’re better than that. don’t believe that at all. I believe you feel the same as the rest of us. Frustrated, angry and sad.  

The only way you will achieve your goal is by following the Chief Health Officer’s rules. And get vaccinated while you’re at it.  That will lead to freedom for everyone.


Anni Hilate Delta

Featured image: selfie taken by my daughter of us doing the right thing.



One Response

  1. Well done protesters , your super spreader event has now resulted in 450 new daily Covid 19 cases in Victoria as at 11 September 2021.

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