Is this really the world’s longest lockdown?

Image by Kelsey Wilkie, Daily Mail, Australia

Some media reports are telling us that Melbourne is in the midst of the world’s longest and strictest lockdown. Social restrictions were first imposed on 16 March. These restrictions were eased during mid-May as numbers of new cases were below ten for a few days. On 8 July social restrictions were fully reimposed. As numbers continued to surge a curfew between 8 pm and 5 am was introduced and Victoria was declared a state of emergency.  For those of us living it, it certainly feels like the world’s longest lockdown.

These images show metropolitan Melbourne, a city of five million people almost deserted. Flinders Street Station (top left) is usually bustling with 100,000 people every day. Shopping malls and alley ways, trams stations and streets were all swarming with people before the lockdown. Now these places look so forlorn.

Images – Daily Mail, Australia 5 September 2020

Let’s suppress this hideous disease

Most people are following the orders from the Chief Health Officer because we will do whatever it takes to suppress this hideous disease. It has already ruined the lives of too many people; sickness, death, unemployment, loneliness, loss of hope. And that is just for starters. If coming out the other side of this means extended lockdowns, wearing masks, social distancing and curfews then most of us will do it. No argument because we care about our fellow humans. And we had better get used to it because there may never be a vaccine. There are literally hundreds of websites on the topic of vaccines but nothing more than speculation regarding a time frame.

Protestors and their selfies  

But then as usual you’ve got your protesters. These strange self-absorbed, selfie taking individuals are actually for real. They want a slice of fame so they provoke police with their antics and rantings about human rights and freedom. Some of them carry placards displaying nonsensical rubbish. It’s obvious their goal is to get arrested with the hope that their selfies will go viral. Sadly, they don’t seem to realise if anything is going to extend the lockdown any further their selfish behaviour maybe the cause of a third wave in Victoria. Some of the protests so far have occurred at the Shrine of Remembrance, the Tan Track and the Queen Victoria Market. Some of the organisers of these protests must be starting to feel a bit despondent because lately the police have been outnumbering the protesters.

Above left; the Shrine of Remembrance. Top right; the Tan Track. Bottom right; the Queen Victoria Market.

Images – Daily Mail, Australia 18 September 2020

What are your experiences of lockdown in Australia?



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