Interview with Peter Greco #1

Focal Point on Vision Australia Radio. Listen from 11:47 a.m. by Radio, Digital and

Annette Leishman, Ambassador for Blind Sports & Recreation Victoria, and Rachel McDonald, a physiotherapy student at the University of Melbourne, are encouraging all to take part in the enormous amount of opportunities available in person and remotely and the benefits from doing so. Find out more here:

Rachel …

‘I’m currently in my final year of physiotherapy, and one of our subjects involves a health promotion project. Last year, three other students and I formed a group of four and got involved with Blind Sports and Recreation Victoria, where we interviewed several ambassadors. This year, as part of the ‘Health Care and Context’ subject, we’re undertaking a health promotion project based on that work,’

Annette …

‘I haven’t been an ambassador for very long. My involvement with Blind Sports and Recreation Victoria, especially through tennis, played a big role. I regularly attended tennis and mentored others who wanted to join, encouraging and inspiring them. Growing up, I always wanted to play tennis but couldn’t because of my vision impairment. I didn’t know what was wrong with me until my late 20s when I was diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa. Back in school, I struggled with anything involving a ball – I couldn’t catch, chase, or even throw towards anyone.

About four years ago, I moved from Tasmania to Melbourne. Here, I found a wonderful community of people with low vision and blindness. This felt huge to me because I didn’t know anyone in Tasmania who was like me, I guess mainly because it’s a small community. When I discovered Blind Sports and Recreation Victoria, I got involved with blind tennis, and I’ve never looked back – I love it so much. Through that experience, I was asked if I’d like to become an ambassador. I’ve also participated in many other sports and recreational activities provided by BSRV, and my enthusiasm and involvement ultimately led me to become an ambassador.’

For the full interview …

Listen to Focal Point on Vision Australia Radio from 11:47 a.m. by Radio, Digital and

You’re listening to Vision Australia Radio Adelaide. You can also hear us at RVA Radio Digital and online.

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Thanks to  Panos Sakalakis on Unsplash for the featured photo.



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Interview with Peter Greco #1

Focal Point on Vision Australia Radio. Listen from 11:47 a.m. by Radio, Digital and Annette Leishman, Ambassador for Blind Sports & Recreation Victoria, and Rachel McDonald, a physiotherapy student at the University of Melbourne, are encouraging